So it seems that I am not so religious about generating posts. Now we can all see why my diaries are half-empty (or half-full depending on how you look at things).
For awhile there little JC was sleeping on my lap a lot, so it was easy to type; however, she started being awake more (NOT complaining - she's a lot of fun!!), so I didn't have a lot of time to post. I would have blogged during naps, but somehow I think my hubbie might be a bit disappointed if we had to live in a pig sty with no food while I blogged away ...
So, to catch you up on things a little:
1) JC is now 3.5 months old and appears to be teething. She's chewing and sucking on anything ... bibs, receiving blankets, fingers, arms, toys ... you name it! She can hold her head up quite well now, and she can roll over a bit now, too! We even heard some first giggles this week :)
We started swimming lessons last week and they were great! She LOVES the water, especially when she's on her back with her hair wooshing around her (she has a lot of hair for a 3 month old!). She was the only babe in a reusable swim diaper (
AppleCheeks, purchased from
Re-Diaper), and the only little girl without an actual bathing suit. When I noticed the bathing suit thing I felt embarassed for about 1 second, then realized how silly that was! Are baby bathing suits comfortable? Are they easy to put on? Do they really keep them warmer? My answer to all of these questions was NO. Not to mention, I doubt that JC is self-conscious about such a silly thing, so I decided I wouldn't waste my time worrying about it, nor my money buying a little piece of spandex to torture her with. Swimming lesson #2 happens this afternoon. Hopefully JC's 2nd impression of swimming is as good as her first.
2) My parents gave me a pattern book, knitting needles, and some yarn for Christmas in hopes that I would knit a little pink cardigan for JC.
I learned to knit a few years ago after my paternal grandmother passed away. I remembered her always knitting for babies in the family and my cousin was pregnant with her first child, so I suddenly felt compelled to learn to knit and to create something knitted for the new little being. Well, after some very frustrating attempts to learn to knit from a book, I gave up and taught myself to crochet instead. I crocheted a beautiful baby blanket for my cousin's son and all was well.
But, it wasn't long before I decided I would get back in the saddle and attempt knitting again. I tried a scarf and finished said scarf after messing up the gauge royally and making one of the largest scarves known to humanity. The next project was a smaller scarf, which curled up because I didn't realize that stockinette stitch results in curled up work if you don't help it out by bordering the edges a bit.
Anyhow, since that time, I got pregnant with JC and decided it was time to get it right with knitting. I borrowed
Susan B. Anderson's
Itty Bitty Hats from the library and set to work on a baby hat. Well, it turned out marvelously and I ended up knitting about 12 hats!!!! Go me!
So I started this sweater for JC and things were going well until I messed up and purled when I should have knitted or knitted when I should have purled. Said unfortunate error occurred on New Year's Eve while my hubby and I were watching a movie (we don't have cable, so weren't watching countdown shows). When I discovered my error, I promptly fReAkEd OuT, cursing and swearing. I remember ripping the knitted work off the needles, stabbing the unsuspecting loveseat with a knitting needle, and biting through the work, stretching it with my hands while I growled like an out of control yahoo. My hubby was pretty alarmed and tore the pink mess from my hands, and insisted that I calm the heck down. (And then the clock struck 12 and it was 2011). Yes, I transitioned into this new year, (quietly) screaming (JC was asleep upstairs), crying, and ripping apart yet another knitting disaster ... good omen? Not sure ...
Since that time, I have googled TINKing so that I can now fix my knitting errors in a civilized manner and have managed to complete the back panel and one of the two front panels for JC's little pink cardigan (as pictured in the above rather dark photo). Last night I made an error and fixed it without any freakouts (not even a single curse word!). I am relieved, and so are the loveseat and my husband. I'll let you know how the rest goes ...
3) I borrowed some crochet (and one knitting) amigurumi books from the library and I'm really excited about making a hot air balloon for JC's room, some birds, some bees, and maybe even some airplanes (all of which will hang from the ceiling). I can't wait to get started, but I need to focus and finish the great pink cardigan first. Also hoping to knit up a little hat for my step-aunt-by-marriage's son-to-be ...
4) Starting to think about going back to work and what that will entail. A friend recently started a blog and wrote an inspiring, yet confusion-provoking post about doing what you love. I love my career, but am still new to it and am overly impatient as to where my niche will be. As much as I love my career and have the education to back me up, part of me wishes I could knit, crochet, sew, cook, bake, run, and mother myself a living rather than doing work in a traditional sense (not to say that none of these qualify as work, just saying that it's not where my education lies ...). I guess I just need to be patient and things will sort themselves out.
5) So ... I'm clearly blogging, but I'm sort of shy about said blogging. A little hesitant to link my blog to others' blogs and to websites because I'm not sure I'm ready for others to read what I write. So why am I blogging rather than keeping a diary? GREAT QUESTION! Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about what people think ...